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Woah... this profile editor is really... colorful.. um, hi! My name's Umbra. I'm.. I-I'm what I call an "ex-mare".
Likes? Oh uh, I don't quite know... there's so much out there in Sketchopolis that I don't really know what to put here...
Dislikes... I really, really hate Gloombus and Ember... They're really scary...

What to put here... um... Oh! So, you might be wondering why I call myself an ex-mare. I used to be a Nightmarian like those two. Days have gone by with this thought about why we were even wanting all this power. I asked around, and the responses boiled down to destroying Sketchopolis and ruling the world. I didn't get it... it felt like there was something missing. I tried asking Gloombus after a meeting and the only thing he responded with was "that is the point."
It wasn't the answer I was expecting, and overtime I didn't wanna try and get all this power... Eventually I slowly morphed myself out of this power-hungry masochist into something that said "I want a life." That was the case, until Ember found out about my transformation and immediately ratted me out. I tried to catch up with him but that only led to me running into the worst abuse I've ever had in my life.
Blades, fists, words, even using their magic on me and sending me to Nightmare Island for a while. It was really, really cold, cloudy, but above all else I felt so... malnourished, almost to where I lost my new form and reverted back to my old self. Until Gloombus appeared in front and brought me for a "grave mission", which was a code for Nightmarian missions that guaranteed death; being banished to the light realm.

I was kicked into the portal to the light realm and fell for what felt like hours. It felt cold, but not as cold as Nightmare Island, and I could see more colors than just red or crimson as I landed on concrete. Now that my back hurts and I'm trying to regain my new look, I had to hide so's not to be terminated.
It was like that for a few days, having to fend for myself as I'm avoiding daylight, until someone found me hiding one night, but they didn't attack me. It felt so... strange for the first time, to have someone not be scolding or badmouthing you. He had white fur, blue marks, he was really friendly. I took the moment to explain what happened with me, and he offered to help me out. I wanted to hug him but my form wasn't entirely set yet, and I was still dripping with some of the Nightmarian goop.
At least now I wouldn't have to get my bearings alone.. and for the first time, I was introduced to sunlight. Pure sunlight, no fake light or whatever. It was beautiful and I felt warm for the first time in what felt like forever. It actually helped get rid of leftover goop that was on my skin and helped me transform completely..
And then he introduced me to some of his friends. A lady from another dimension full of demons, a half-feline with black hair and brown eyes, his sister... I don't know how he knew all these people but It felt like I belonged here despite my troubled past.

Now I'm here, and trying my best to forget my past in favor of having a life. It's not easy, but I try my best!
Also since I'm now an ex-mare, I feel it's my duty to try my best and help those who've strayed from the spotlight a bit too long, as well as to say be careful of Gloombus and his minions. They can be really brutal. Take it from someone who unfortunately was amongst the wrong crowd...
I can try my best to steal some Nightmarian power and try to convert it for good uses, though it's really dangerous... It's some real tainted chaotic power...

also sorry if this is pretty lengthy i'm really new to this whole profile thing, also the profile editor says this was part of wondernet at some point? what's that?