Hi there! I am Tiramisu, or as some would call me, the "leg demon".
I'm just a halfcut demon who likes to play tricks sometimes.
Some stuff I like would be strawberry cheesecake, light pranks, and flying around. You thought I don't have wings? Haha, you silly, of course I have wings!
Though given my looks, I don't like being called short. I've had plenty of moments where I had to make them shut up myself. I don't think you'd want to know.
So you may be wondering, "how did you come to be, Tiramisu?" There's a very simple explanation there!
See, I'm not from here. I'm from a different realm. This realm I'm from has tons of demons like me! Some are short, some are tall. Some look like a friend, some are on the blacklist for being too chaotic.
This reminds me, I remember seeeing this girl one time a few years ago who was tall, and had red hair like me. She was... quirky. I only remember her being humiliated when it was graduation day and then things went completely chaotic, to the point where she was kicked from the realm. I don't know where she is now, she's probably dead or trying to survive some rando. What was her name.. Lilly? Katrina? I dunno. Her name has an L and A in it.
Actually... this reminds me of another thing. Seems like I have a visitor sometimes. This quirky little feline with black hair and brown eyes sometimes pays me a visit with this lady with pink horns. Something about 'wanting a way to escape for a while'. You know, I may be a demon myself, and he may have a demon for a mother or at least a legal guardian, but is he alright?