H-Hi there! I'm Periwinkle!
I like soft serve ice cream and beaches, I find the waves really relaxing for me when I'm too stressed out.
I don't like being picked on just beacuse I'm a pair of legs. It reminds me of when I was in school years ago and I was trying to keep up with the others...
I'm a waitress at a cafe in Sketchopolis that's run by um, legs, as quirky as it sounds. You can find me wearing this cute light blue dress and a bow on my back! I can carry a plate on my waist, too!
I uh, I'm actually really shy but I like to socialize when I'm not at work. Fortunately my boss doesn't make our shifts super strict and lets us stretch our feet for a bit.
I remember back when I was in school I would be picked on since I "didn't look complete" and "was too short to even reach for the lunch tray". It really hurted me... Fortunately I was able to switch schools and I was treated more kindly there, plus it had a class that taught about what's needed in the culinary world. I learned how to cook, make drinks, greeted guests, all with my feet. It was a place I could call home. That led to me finding a culinary college, and that too felt like home. And now, I'm working at the Leg Cafe!
If you're seeing this and you're from the school I switched to and later, the college, thank you!